
Register Your Organization

*All fields are required
Your First Name  Your Last Name 
Your Email  Confirm Your Email 

User Agreement

I certify that I have read and agree to the terms of the User Agreement above and that I am authorized by the charities I am involved with to obtain the widget code on its/their behalf.
Print User Agreement

About the Nonprofit Organization

Search our database for your organization's 9-digit Tax Identification Number to view the name and address we have on file.
Who can DAF Direct contact at the nonprofit if there are any questions?
I am the contact person
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Nonprofit Website  
* All fields are required

Select Options

Select the widget size for your website —
you can easily return to this page if you would
like to choose another.
  160 x 273 pixels (max)
  250 x 327 pixels (max)
Optional items to display:
  Designation field
  Amount field
  Gray border

Get your Widget

Copy and paste the code into your JavaScript-friendly website.


Please select the option for your organization

Use the DAF Direct link to enhance your digital fundraising efforts by:

  • Adding the link to your email and social media messages
  • Providing a convenient way for your donors to access their donor-advised funds directly from within your payment flow

Use the DAF Direct widget to provide:

  • Your donors with a way to access their donor-advised funds directly from your website
  • Customize the look of your site and highlight donor-advised funds as a donation option

Not sure which to use?

Both the DAF Direct link and widget can help you tap into the growing number of donors with donor-advised funds. Download as many times as preferred for your organization.


Select Options

Designation (Max. 100 Characters)

Enter your designation here (e.g. 'where it's needed most' or building campaign). Please leave blank if you prefer your donor to add their own. To ensure that grants will be used exclusively for charitable purposes, refrain from adding these designations: political campaigns, school tuition, scholarships for certain individuals, membership fees, raffle and event tickets, etc.

Amount Information

You can add a suggested amount for each grant recommendation. However, please note that minimum grant amounts vary by DAF provider. To ensure a positive donor experience, the minimum amount entered into this field should be $50. You may also leave this field blank if you would prefer your donor to indicate the amount of their grant recommendation.


Thank you for registering for DAF Direct

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For questions or more information, please download the DAF Direct User Guide.